
Configuration and Features

Implemented in the package org.eclipse.winery.common.configuration. The configuration is YAML based and called winery.yml. The default Configuration is contained in the resource folder.

Adding new Features

To add a new feature to the configuration one has to simply add it hierarchically under the features tab in the winery.yml file. This has to be done both in the winery.yml file in the filesystem and in the default configuration winery.yml file in the resources folder.

    splitting: true
    completion: true
    patternRefinement: true
    compliance: true
    accountability: true
    nfv: true
    container: http://localhost:1337
    workflowmodeler: http://localhost:8080/winery-workflowmodeler
    topologymodeler: http://localhost:8080/winery-topologymodeler
    repositoryApiUrl: http://localhost:8080/winery
    repositoryUiUrl: http://localhost:8080/#
  provider: file
  repositoryRoot: ""
    clientSecret: secret
    password: default
    clientID: id
    autocommit: false
    username: default

If the feature has been added to the YAML Configuration the getUiConfig() method of the Environments class will return a UiConfigurationObject Instance which has the added feature as a map entry in the features map attribute. This can be accessed with the getFeatures() method. The key of the feature entry is the same name that was added to the winery.yml file.

Accessing the Configuration in the Backend

The configuration is split into different objects. The UiConfigurationObject contains the feature flags and endpoints. The RepositoryConfigurationObject contains all the repository settings including a GitConfigurationObject. The GitConfigurationObject contains all settings associated with Git. Each of these configuration objects can be accessed through a getter in the Environments class, e.g. getGitConfig(). When the changes to a configuration object shall be persisted, the Environments class offers a save method, in which the changed configuration object has to be passed as the parameter.

Accessing the Configuration in the Frontend

In the are two methods implemented which are used to send the configuration to the frontend getConfig() and get updates to the configuration from the frontend setConfig(). In the frontend the WineryRepositoryConfigurationService manages those resources. Injecting the service where the configuration is needed provides the configuration as the configuration attribute of the WineryRepositoryConfigurationService. Therefore the feature has to be added as a boolean attribute to the WineryConfiguration interface.

export interface WineryConfiguration {
    features: {
        splitting: boolean;
        completion: boolean;
        compliance: boolean;
        patternRefinement: boolean;
        accountability: boolean;
        nfv: boolean;
    endpoints: {
        container: String;
        workflowmodeler: String;
        topologymodeler: String;

Using Feature Toggles

The FeatureToggleDirective offers a way to use the configuration to toggle features on or off dynamically. Before using the directive in any html file it has to be imported first into the corresponding module. Additionally, an enum in the component where the feature toggle will be used has to be created and declared with the FeatureEnum.

export enum FeatureEnum {
    Splitting = 'splitting', Completion = 'completion', Compliance = 'compliance',
    PatternRefinement = 'patternRefinement', Accountability = 'accountability', NFV = 'nfv',
    newFeature = 'newFeature'

Finally, the directive can be used to toggle the feature according to the set configuration.

<div *wineryRepositoryFeatureToggle="configEnum.Compliance">