ADORe is a modular open source software library and toolkit for decision making, planning, control and simulation of automated vehicles
adore::PLOT::GeoTiles Member List

This is the complete list of members for adore::PLOT::GeoTiles, including all inherited members.

GeoTiles(std::string base_url, double width_meters)adore::PLOT::GeoTilesinline
getCenterX(std::pair< int, int > id)adore::PLOT::GeoTilesinline
getCenterY(std::pair< int, int > id)adore::PLOT::GeoTilesinline
getPlotID(std::pair< int, int > id)adore::PLOT::GeoTilesinline
getTileID(double xUTM, double yUTM)adore::PLOT::GeoTilesinline
getURL(double xUTM, double yUTM)adore::PLOT::GeoTilesinline
getURL(double X0, double Y0, double X1, double Y1, double res)adore::PLOT::GeoTilesinline
getURL(std::pair< int, int > id)adore::PLOT::GeoTilesinline
getVisibleRange(double xUTM0, double yUTM0, double xUTM1, double yUTM1, int &imin, int &jmin, int &imax, int &jmax)adore::PLOT::GeoTilesinline
overlaps(double a0, double a1, double b0, double b1)adore::PLOT::GeoTilesinlineprivate
overlapsBox(std::pair< int, int > id, double xUTM0, double yUTM0, double xUTM1, double yUTM1)adore::PLOT::GeoTilesinline