ADORe is a modular open source software library and toolkit for decision making, planning, control and simulation of automated vehicles
adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P > Member List

This is the complete list of members for adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >, including all inherited members.

Ad()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
Ad_p()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
Bd()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
Bd_p()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
compute()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
compute_hotstart()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
compute_init()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
delete_memory()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
eps()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
geps()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
getCPUTime()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
getnC()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
getnV()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
getnWSR()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
getQProblem()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
idx(int row, int col, int nrows, int ncols) constadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
initialize_interface_variables()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
initialize_intermediate_matrices()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
initialize_memory()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
initialize_userdata_matrices()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
interpolateSolution()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
isFeasible() constadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
isSolved() constadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
lbu_hard()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
lbx()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
LQ_OC_single_shooting()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
m_A1adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_A2adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_Adadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_Ad_padore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_Ad_powersadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_Bdadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_Bd_padore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_Eadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_epsadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_Fadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_g1adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_gepsadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_H11adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_Hepsadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_Huadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_Hxadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_lbu_hardadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_lbxadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_qpAadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_qpcputime_inadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_qpcputime_outadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_qpgadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_qpHadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_qplbadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_qplbAadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_qpnWSR_inadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_qpnWSR_outadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_qproblemadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_qpubadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_qpubAadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_qpxOptadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_resultfunadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_system_changedadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_Uadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_U_flatadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_ubepsadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_ubu_hardadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_ubxadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_usetadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_uset_flatadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_wepsadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_wuadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_wu_endadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_wxadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_wx_endadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_Xadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_x0adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_X_flatadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_yadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
m_y_flatadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >private
nCadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >static
nVadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >static
real_t typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
result_fun()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
retrieveSolution()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
setEndTime(double Tend)adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
setMaxCPUTime(real_t value)adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
setMaxnWSR(int value)adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
setSystemChanged(bool value)adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
t_Ad typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_Bd typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_eps typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_geps typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_lbu typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_lbu_hard typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_lbx typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_resultfun typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_U typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_U_flat typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_ubeps typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_ubu typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_ubu_hard typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_ubx typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_uset typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_uset_flat typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_weps typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_wu typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_wu_end typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_wx typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_wx_end typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_X typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_x0 typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_X_flat typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_y typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
t_y_flat typedefadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
U()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
ubeps()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
ubu_hard()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
ubx()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
update(const t_x0 &x0, const t_y &y, const t_lbx &lbx, const t_ubx &ubx, const t_lbu_hard &lbu_hard, const t_ubu_hard &ubu_hard, const t_ubeps &ubeps)adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
update(const t_x0 &x0, const t_y &y, const t_lbx &lbx, const t_ubx &ubx)adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
updateA1()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
updateA2()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
updateAd()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
updateE()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
updateF()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
updateg1()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
updateH11()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
updateHeps()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
updateHu()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
updateHx()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
updateqpA()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
updateqpg()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
updateqpH()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
updateqplb()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
updateqpub()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
updateqpubA()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlineprivate
updateSystem(const t_Ad &Ad, const t_Bd &Bd, const t_wx &wx, const t_wu &wu)adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
updateSystem(const t_Ad &Ad, const t_Bd &Bd, const t_wx &wx, const t_wu &wu, const t_weps &weps)adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
updateSystem(const t_Ad &Ad, const t_Bd &Bd, const t_wx &wx, const t_wu &wu, const t_weps &weps, const t_geps &geps)adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
uset()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
weps()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
wu()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
wu_end()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
wx()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
wx_end()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
X()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
x0()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
y()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inline
~LQ_OC_single_shooting()adore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >inlinevirtual