Automatic SUMO integration
The cmake files of the sub-project sumo_if_ros are configured to automatically download and install SUMO in the folder catkin_ws/src/adore/sumo. To trigger the automatic installation, build sumo_if_ros:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/adore
catkin build sumo_if_ros
The ros node sumo_if_ros/sumotraffic2ros advances SUMO time steps according to the ADORe simulation time and exchanges data between SUMO and ROS. See section adore_if_ros_demos for examples.
Manual SUMO integration
The following steps can be found in the SUMO documentation and have been slightly modified to attribute for file paths.
Install a complete instance of sumo in the src folder:
sudo apt-get install cmake python g++ libxerces-c-dev libfox-1.6-dev libgdal-dev libproj-dev libgl2ps-dev swig
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/adore
git clone --recursive
export SUMO_HOME="$PWD/sumo"
mkdir sumo/build/cmake-build && cd sumo/build/cmake-build
cmake ../..
make -j$(nproc)
The files for TraCI/c++ interfacing with sumo are located here:
If you start sumo with the following parameters:
./bin/sumo --remote-port 1337 -c tests/complex/tutorial/quickstart/data/quickstart.sumocfg --step-length 0.01
The TraCI client can be connected as follows:
TraCIAPI client;
client.connect("localhost", 1337);
Generate a network file
One option is to convert OpenDrive files directly:
See sumo doc on netgenerate:
netconvert --opendrive myOpenDriveNetwork.xodr -o --offset.disable-normalization
Another option is to convert maps, which are readable by adore, into SUMO PlainXML format SUMO PlainXML specification: ADORe provides a plainxmlexporter
binary, available from the selected binary folder, e.g. install/lib/adore_if_ros
Provide one or more map file paths as argument to binary in order to create PlainXML output output.nod.xml
node defintions, output.edg.xml
edge definitions and output.con.xml
connection definitions.
Currently, xodr and r2s maps can be read and converted.
The parameters for plainxmlexporter are [plot] infile1[,transform] [infile2[,transform]] ... outfile
, where plot allows immediate output of loaded files to plotlab, each infile specifies path to a map file and outfile defines prefix of Plain-XML output files.
Road2Simulation input files (file1.r2sl, file1.r2sr) have to be specified as (file1.r2s) in a single infile name.
The transform arguments allow to enable/disable application of transforms specified in the OpenDrive header.
The resulting PlainXML files can be further converted to a Net-XML format using sumo netconvert
Here is an example:
cd ~/catkin_ws
install/lib/adore_if_ros/plainxmlexporter $prefix.r2s $prefix
src/adore/sumo/bin/netconvert \
--node-files=$prefix.nod.xml \
--edge-files=$prefix.edg.xml \
--connection-files=$prefix.con.xml \
Define a route description
Define a file routes.xml schema, which contain vehicle and flow.
<vType id="traffic" accel="0.8" decel="4.5" sigma="0.5" length="5" maxSpeed="70"/>
<flow id="id" type="traffic" begin="0" end="3600" probability="0.1" from="start" to="end" />
Define a re-router in additional file
Example for circular track can be found here
<rerouter id="rerouter_0" edges="-1.0.00">
<interval end="1e9">
<destProbReroute id="-1.157.08"/>
<rerouter id="rerouter_1" edges="-1.157.08">
<interval end="1e9">
<destProbReroute id="-1.0.00"/>