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Temp V2x Msgs

Temporary home of the v2x msgs to build up a self-contained build module

Getting Started

You must have docker and make installed and configured on your system

  1. clone the repository with submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 && cd v2x_if_ros_msg
  1. build v2x_if_ros_msg:

Build Artifacts

After running make on this project you get the following: 1. Build artifacts are available in v2x_if_ros_msg/build 2. Docker image available called v2x_if_ros_msg:latest 3. Within the v2x_if_ros_msg:latest image build artifacts are located at /tmp/v2x_if_ros_msg/build build artifacts will be available at: v2x_if_ros_msg/build

Copying build artifacts from the provided docker image into the current working directory:

docker cp $(docker create --rm v2x_if_ros_msg:latest):/tmp/v2x_if_ros_msg/build .

Pulling in v2x_if_ros_msg build artifacts into a Dockerfile:

FROM v2x_if_ros_msg:latest AS v2x_if_ros_msg

COPY --from=v2x_if_ros_msg /tmp/v2x_if_ros_msg/build .