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ADORe Logging

Many components within ADORe generate log files of various kinds. This article will highlight interesting log files and their locations.

Log Directory - /.log

The general log directory for all ADORe components can be found in the root of the adore repository at:/.log

ROS - /.log/.ros

The most recent ros run will have log files located at:

<adore repository root>/.ros/log/latest

Plotlab Server - /.log/plotlabserver


When run in window manger mode or headless mode plotlab will record a video for plotted content.

**<adore repository root>/.log/plotlabserver/plotlab.mkv**

This file is overwritten for each scenario run.


The ffmpeg log contains information on video encoding and length of recorded videos. Location:

**<adore repository root>/.log/plotlabserver/plotlab.mkv**