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Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi OS Quick Start


This section provides Eclipse Kura™ quick installation procedures for the Raspberry Pi and the Kura development environment.


This quickstart will install the version of Kura with the administrative web UI and network configuration support but not CAN bus support. For more information on this please visit the Eclipse Kura download page

This quickstart has been tested using the latest Raspberry Pi OS 32 and 64 bits images which are available for download through the official Raspberry Pi foundation site and the Raspberry Pi Imager.


Recent versions of Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit on Raspberry PI 4 will use by default a 64 bit kernel with a 32 bit userspace. This can cause issues to applications that use the result of uname -m to decide which native libraries to load (see This currently affects for example the Kura SQLite database connector. It should be possible to solve by switching to the 32 bit kernel setting arm_64bit=0 in /boot/config.txt and restarting the device.

For additional details on OS compatibility refer to the Kura™ release notes.

Enable SSH Access

The ssh server is disabled by default on Raspbian images released after November 2016, in order to enable it follow the instructions available here.

If you're using the Raspberry Pi Imager you can directly enable SSH before writing the operating system into the SD card by clicking on the "setting" icon.

Enable SSH Raspberry Pi Imager

Eclipse Kura™ Installation

To install Eclipse Kura with its dependencies on the Raspberry Pi, perform the following steps:

  1. Boot the Raspberry Pi with the latest Raspbian image (starting from release 5.1.0 Kura is tested with Raspbian 11).

  2. Make sure your device is connected to the internet. The best installation experience can be obtained when the device is cabled to the local network and the Internet. By default, the Raspberry Pi OS configures the ethernet interface eth0 in DHCP mode.

  3. Upgrade the system:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade


    Optional: Since version 5.3.0 Kura also supports Eclipse Temurin™ as an alternative JVM. To install it you need to perform these additional steps:

    sudo apt-get install -y wget apt-transport-https gnupg
    sudo wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo echo "deb $(awk -F= '/^VERSION_CODENAME/{print$2}' /etc/os-release) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/adoptium.list
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install temurin-17-jdk

  4. Download the Kura package with:


    Note: replace <version> in the URL above with the version number of the latest release (e.g. 5.5.0) and <arch> with your device architecture

  5. Install Kura with: 

    sudo apt-get install ./kura-<kura-version>_generic-<arch>_installer.deb
  6. For a correct configuration of the Wlan interface, it is necessary to set the Locale and the WLAN Country through the raspi-config command:

    sudo raspi-config

    raspi-config menu

    From the raspi-config main menu select Localisation Options:

    raspi-config menu

    Then modify the Locale and WLAN Country with with the proper settings for your location. For example, an user located in Italy could set the values as the ones in the table:

    Setting Value
    L1 Locale it_IT.UTF-8 UTF-8
    L4 WLAN Country IT Italy
  7. (Optional) To correctly use the GPIO pins, the user is asked to update the file with the proper configuration, based on its own device.

    This is required since the sysfs interface has been deprecated, and some OS distribution may have already suppressed it. Moreover, the kernel complains if a static base number is assigned to a GPIO controller: indeed, when it assigns the numbers automatically, it usually starts from 511. More information can be found here.

    In order to set the correct configuration the user can perform the following steps:

    • Execute on the device the command cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio, looking for entries similar to gpio-ABC (GPIxx): from this information it is possible to retrieve which number the GPIO controller was assigned to by the OS (in this case the GPIO controller number xx is assigned with the number ABC). The image below represent an example of this file

    Kernel Debug GPIO

    • Modify the /opt/eclipse/kura/framework/ with the number and controllers found in the previous step:
    573 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:573, name:GPI02
    574 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:574, name:GPIO3
    575 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:575, name:GPIO4
    576 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:576, name:GPIO5
    577 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:577, name:GPIO6
    578 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:578, name:GPIO7
    579 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:579, name:GPIO8
    580 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:580, name:GPIO9
    581 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:581, name:GPIO10
    582 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:582, name:GPIO11
    583 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:583, name:GPIO12
    584 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:584, name:GPIO13
    585 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:585, name:GPIO14
    586 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:586, name:GPIO15
    587 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:587, name:GPIO16
    588 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:588, name:GPIO17
    589 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:589, name:GPIO18
    590 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:590, name:GPIO19
    591 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:591, name:GPIO20
    592 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:592, name:GPIO21
    593 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:593, name:GPIO22
    594 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:594, name:GPIO23
    595 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:595, name:GPIO24
    596 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:596, name:GPIO25
    597 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:597, name:GPIO26
    598 = deviceType: gpio.GPIOPin, pinNumber:598, name:GPIO27
    gpio.GPIOPin = initValue:0, deviceNumber:0, direction:3, mode:-1, trigger:3
    uart.UART = baudRate:19200, parity:0, dataBits:8, stopBits:1, flowControl:0

    You can also check your GPIO device configuration executing the command pinout

  8. Reboot the Raspberry Pi with:

    sudo reboot

    Kura starts on the target platform after reboot.

  9. Kura setups a local web ui that is available using a browser via:


    The browser will prompt the user to accept the connection to an endpoint with an untrusted certificate:

    Proceed trusting the source

    Once trusted the source, the user will be redirected to a login page where the following credentials: username: admin password: admin