Annotations can be used to suppress some of the warnings.
The annotation starts with @SuppressWarnings followed by the warning type to be suppressed between quotes:
In addition, a comma-separated list of warning types can be provided:
@SuppressWarnings("unused", "unconnected")
This annotation can only be placed above the following elements:
The next paragraphs explain the warning types that can be suppressed and give an example. If you are not sure to which type the warning belongs (if one at all), you can use the quickfix (<CTRL> + <1>) on a warning to give you the correct suppress warnings annotation.
Any warnings about elements that are not used can be suppressed with the type "unused".
process class TaskChild extends Task ports Out messages Out!ReserveRoom(Integer) variables s : String init Initialise()() methods Initialise()() s := "Ready" @SuppressWarnings("unused") PerformWrites(Scenario : String)() Out!ReserveRoom(1)
Any warnings about connectivity issues (e.g., certain message types are not being send or received) can be suppressed with the type "unconnected".
cluster class ClusterClass() ports instances instance: someClass() instance2: someClass() channels @SuppressWarnings("unconnected") { instance.s, instance2.s }
Any warnings about incorrect types of variables can be suppressed with the type "typecheck".
data class Packet extends Object variables methods @SuppressWarnings("typecheck") getCounter() : Integer | s : String | s := new(Integer); return s
Any warnings about the location of return in data methods can be suppressed with the type "return".
data class SomeCounter extends Object variables methods @SuppressWarnings("return") getCounter() : Integer | i : Integer | i := 1; if true then return i else i := i + 1 fi; return i