Push Docker images on a registry


  • git
  • bash
  • docker
  • docker-compose

Generate Eclipse Steady images

In order to generate the Docker images to upload to a local registry, you should generate Eclipse Steady's Java archives. This can be done following Build JAVA archives/Docker images tutorial. To briefly summarize you should build and run an image which will populate your local directories with the Eclipse Steady JARs and WARs. In the end of this preliminary step you should have your images locally, this can be tested with the command docker images | grep steady.

# sample output for `docker images` command
steady-generator          3.2.5 a829f93eb9aa  22 hours ago 223MB
steady-patch-lib-analyzer 3.2.5 fbe5ec6de811  22 hours ago 103MB
steady-rest-backend       3.2.5 277217bc35b2  22 hours ago 136MB
steady-rest-lib-utils     3.2.5 53bbb929895d  22 hours ago 127MB
steady-frontend-bugs      3.2.5 fab5925fe785  22 hours ago 316MB
steady-frontend-apps      3.2.5 191ce235c420  22 hours ago 317MB

Push the images to a registry

A script was created to push the images to a local Docker registry running inside your organization. This script simply tags the images and pushes them towards the registry.

To use the script you will need:

  • a registry in your organization (e.g., goharbor/harbor)
  • a username
  • Eclipse Steady used version

Invoke the script with the following positional arguments.

docker login [registry]
bash push-images.sh -r [registry] -p [project] -v [steady-version]

Pulling the images from a repository

You can use Docker to pull your images from a registry.

docker pull [registry]/[project]/steady-rest-backend:[steady-version]