Setup and Configuration Manual


A workspace acts as a container to group the results of several application analyses. In that context, please note that each module of a multi-module Maven project appears as a separate application in the Eclipse Steady Web frontend.

Before using workspaces, you need to create one using the Eclipse Steady Web frontend (see below); you will obtain a token that you will need to pass as a configuration parameter when performing scans.

Create workspace(s) (once)

You need to create a workspace once using the Eclipse Steady Web frontend. Use the "create workspace" icon in the lower-left corner toolbar of the apps Web frontend to do so.

Setup workspace button

A workspace has the following properties:

  • Name: Must be provided. Note that the name is not unique, thus, there can be several workspaces having the same name.
  • Description: Must be provided.
  • Contact: Please provide the email address of a distribution list (DL).
  • Export results:

    • AGGREGATED: Findings are aggregated on workspace-level, one item for the entire workspace will be exported
    • DETAILED: Findings are aggregated on application-level, one item for every application of the workspace will be exported
    • OFF: No export of findings
  • Public: A public workspace appears in the drop-down box of the apps Web frontend, a private one does not

Once the fields have been filled, press the "Save" button. The system then returns with a pop-up containing the random token generated upon workspace creation. Do not forget to note down this token, it will be needed later on for each scan of your application(s).

Use the generated token (during application analysis)

The workspace token generated at previous step has to be used as value for the configuration setting This information is mandatory during the scans as it allows the user's data to be uploaded to the correct place/workspace in the Eclipse Steady backend. See here for more information regarding the configuration of Eclipse Steady clients.

Choose a workspace (in the apps Web frontend)

Use the configuration icon in the lower-left corner in order to select a workspace.

Setup workspace button

You can search for public workspaces by typing their name in the "Space" field. You can copy&paste the token of a private workspace into the input field in order to select it.

Additional fields "Backend URL" and "Artifact Analyzer URL" can be used to connect the frontend to another backend (than the default running on the same host). Generally, this must not be changed by the users.

Once you have selected a workspace, press "Save" button. The list of applications of that workspace will be automatically loaded on the left list menu of the frontend.

Edit a workspace (in the apps Web frontend)

In order to edit a workspace, press the same button as to choose a workspace and perform the following steps:

  • Enter the name/token id of the workspace to edit in the "Space" field and eventually select one of the entries provided in the drop down list.
  • press the "Edit Space" button at the bottom.

Once this button is clicked, all the editable property-fields of the workspace are displayed.

  • update/change the data of your workspace as per your expectations.
  • Press the "Save" button to save your modifications, press the "close" button to revert your changes.

Export Analysis Results

The following REST API can be used to export findings (information about vulnerable dependencies) to JSON, either for entire workspaces or for single applications.

For aggregated workspaces, call HTTP GET http://localhost:8033/backend/hubIntegration/apps/<workspace-name>%20(<workspace-token>)/vulndeps. For single applications, call HTTP GET http://localhost:8033/backend/hubIntegration/apps/<workspace-name>%20(<workspace-token>)%20<group>:<artifact>:<version>/vulndeps

The API returns an array of JSON elements having the following data model:

Property Description Possible Values
projectId Identifies the affected application and dependency (<app-GAV> > <dep-filename>)
type Identifier of vulnerability in Eclipse Steady knowledge base
scope Scope of the dependency see official Maven documentation
priority Priority of the finding 3 in case of dependencies with scope TEST and PROVIDED, 1 otherwise
exemptionReason Assessment description (if any), see report goal for more information on how-to assess and exempt findings
state Assessment result (if any) 1 (secure-by-design) in case of dependencies with scope TEST and PROVIDED, 4 (mitigated) in case the bug has been exempted, 2 (true-positive) otherwise
status Indicates whether the finding has been assessed 1 (audited) in case state is 1 or 4, -1 (non-audited) otherwise
count Number of findings of type type in project Always 1
snapshotDate Date of most recent goal execution of the application (any goal)



The plugin for Maven can be used with or without adding a <profile> section to the pom.xml.

  • With profile, the execution of goals is more concise (readable), e.g., mvn -Dsteady compile steady:app. A sample profile can be found here, just copy&paste it into the <profiles> section of your pom.xml. In case of aggregated, multi-module Maven projects with modules inheriting from their parent, it is sufficient to include the profile in the top-level (parent) pom.xml. If a module does not inherit from the parent, the profile has to be added to its POM file. Once added, run mvn -Dsteady versions:display-property-updates every now and then to check whether there are new plugin versions available. If so, manually update the property vulas.version in the Eclipse Steady profile.

  • Without profile, the execution of goals requires the use of the plugin's fully qualified name, e.g., mvn compile org.eclipse.steady:plugin-maven:3.2.5:app. Moreover, you need to specify the following mandatory configuration settings. As described here, there are several ways of doing so, however, a file as follows is very common: = <YOUR WORKSPACE TOKEN>
    vulas.shared.backend.serviceUrl = http://localhost:8033/backend/

It is possible to include/exclude modules of a multi-module Maven project using the following configuration parameters:

# Options to include and exclude Maven artifacts (modules) during the processing of an aggregator project.
# If includes is provided, the other parameters are ignored. In other words, excludes and ignorePoms will
# only be evaluated if includes is empty.
# Important: Those options are ignored in case of the report goal, thus, report will be run on all modules.
# In particular, running report on a module with packaging POM will create an aggregated report for all its
# submodules.
# One has to provide the artifactId (not the module name), and multiple values for includes and excludes must
# be separated by comma.
# Defaults:
#   includes = -
#   excludes = -
#   ignorePoms = false
vulas.maven.includes =
vulas.maven.excludes =
vulas.maven.ignorePoms = false


The plugin for Gradle requires changes of the following files:


    buildscript {
        repositories {
            maven { url '<PACKAGE-REPO>' }

        dependencies {
            classpath('org.eclipse.steady:plugin-gradle:3.2.5') { changing = true }

    allprojects {
        apply plugin: "steady"

    // Used to identify the scan in the apps Web frontend
    group = ### group - EDIT THIS ###
    version = ### version - EDIT THIS ###

    // Replace token of test space = ### workspace token - EDIT THIS ###

    vulas.shared.backend.serviceUrl = http://localhost:8033/backend/

Note: Rather than adding configuration settings to, they can also be passed as project properties in the command line, e.g., The use of -D system properties for changing configuration settings is discouraged (because of the cache of the Gradle daemon).

The configuration is correct if the analysis goals vulasApp, vulasA2C etc. are listed among "Other tasks" when running the following command:

    ./gradlew tasks -all

The Gradle plugin only works with later releases of Gradle. How to upgrade is described here.

Command-line interface

  1. Create a new folder, download the latest ZIP archive from Releases and extract it into the newly created folder. This folder will then contain the following items:
Folder/File Description
./app/ Put the application code (java, class or JAR files) and all application dependencies (JAR files) into this folder. It will be searched recursively, thus, it is possible to just copy the entire installation directory of an application into the folder. Important: (1) Single java and class files are always considered as application code, no matter the package prefix configured with (2) JARs are always considered as application dependency unless they only contain methods starting with the configured package prefix. (3) Nested JARs must be extracted, WARs can stay as-is.
./steady-cli-3.2.5-jar-with-dependencies.jar An executable JAR used to run the different Eclipse Steady goals.
./instr/lang-java-3.2.5-jar-with-dependencies.jar Used to instrument Java runtimes.
./ Configuration settings for Eclipse Steady. Important: (1) Rename the file to (2) Specify <GROUP>, <ARTIFACT> and <VERSION> of the application to be analyzed. (3) Specify how Eclipse Steady identifies your application code (either using or, see below for more information). (4) Specify the workspace token

Identification of application code: You can use or to tell Eclipse Steady how to identify the code of your application, which is important for the call graph construction during the a2c reachability analysis. This analysis is not complete if not all the relevant application methods are used as entry points for the call graph construction. As such, the potential execution of vulnerable open-source methods may be missed. A good indicator to see whether specification is correct is to see whether there are items in the Dependencies tab that are created by you (or your organization), or whether there are open-source packages mentioned in the table on the Statistics tab.

# Package prefix(es) of application code (multiple values to be separated by comma), only relevant for CLI =

# Regex that identifies JARs with application code (multiple values to be separated by comma), only relevant for CLI =


Layered configuration principle

The client-side analysis tools can be configured in different ways. At runtime, the following layers are combined in order to establish the effective configuration (which is printed to console upon goal execution).

  • Java system properties: Can be specified when running java or mvn, each setting must be prefixed with -D
  • Property files in file system: Can be specified by adding property file(s) in the folder where Eclipse Steady is executed (or any of its subfolders). The file name must adhere to the format steady-*.properties, and its entries must be specified according to the Java spec
  • Plugin configuration:
    • Maven: Can be specified in the <layeredConfiguration> section of the Maven plugin
    • Gradle: todo
  • Environment variables: Can be specified using export (nix) and set (Windows)
  • Property files in JAR files: Default values for many settings are set within Eclipse Steady JAR files

General settings

The following settings, however, have to be present for every goal execution:

  • The token of the workspace to be used for the analysis
  •, vulas.core.appContext.artifact and vulas.core.appContext.version: Altogether, they uniquely identify an application within a space. Depending on the client used, one or more of them are automatically inferred, e.g., using data from pom.xml or build.gradle.
  • vulas.shared.backend.serviceUrl: The URL of the backend service to which clients upload analysis results.

Log level

The default Log4j log level is INFO, it can be adjusted with help of system property vulas.log4j.threshold, e.g., -Dvulas.log4j.threshold=WARN.

Check setup

Proceed as follows to check whether the Eclipse Steady setup and goal execution works:

On the client, after executing a specific Eclipse Steady goal on your application, a log entry similar to the one below should be printed to the console. It is used to upload goal-related information to the Eclipse Steady backend, e.g., the Eclipse Steady version used or the average memory consumption. In this example, information related to a goal execution for an application with GAV was uploaded to http://localhost:8033/backend/, workspace 123456789. The successful upload is indicated by the HTTP response code 201.

[main] INFO  - HTTP POST [uri=http://localhost:8033/backend/apps/, size=23,50 KB, tenant=123456789, space=123456789]
[main] INFO  - HTTP POST completed with response code [201] in [03.019 ms] (proxy=false)

In the apps Web frontend at http://localhost:8033/apps, there are several tabs to be checked:

  • On the Dependencies tab, one should see all application dependencies. In particular, there should be no archives belonging to the application under analysis (which can happen if the CLI is not configured to properly separate application code and dependency code, see here for more information).
  • On the Statistics tab, one should see all packages belonging to the application. In particular, there should be no packages belonging to 3rd party / open-source libraries (which can happen if the CLI is not configured to properly separate application code and dependency code, see here for more information).
  • On the History tab, one should see table entries for all goal executions that happened on the client.