
Component and Feature Overview


The TOSCA modeling tool Winery mainly consists of four parts: (1) the templates, types, plans, and CSARs management, (2) the TOSCA topology model editor, (3) the BPMN4TOSCA management plan editor, and (4) the repository to store templates, types, plans, etc.

For the templates, types, plans, and CSARs management a user interface Templates, Types, Plans & CSARs Management UI that enables managing all TOSCA types, templates, and related artifacts is available. This includes node types, relationship types, policy types, artifact types, artifact templates, and artifacts such as virtual machine images. The Templates, Types, Plans & CSARs Management backend component provides functionality to access, store, or delete TOSCA elements in the Templates, Types, Plans & CSARs Repository which is a file system storing all available TOSCA elements.

The TOSCA Topology Model Editor enables the creation of service templates as directed graphs. Service templates consists of instances of node types (node templates) and instances of relationship types (relationship templates). They can be annotated with requirements and capabilities, properties, deployment artifacts, and policies. Modeled service templates can be exported based on the TOSCA XML standard using the TOSCA XML Model Importer & Exporter or as YAML Model using the TOSCA YAML Model Importer & Exporter. Because the internal data model of the Winery is based on the XML standard the TOSCA YAML Model to TOSCA XML Model Transformer is required to enable the import and export as XMl as well as YAML model. The standard packaging format for service templates and all related TOSCA elements is a Cloud Service Archive (CSAR). The CSAR Packager backend component is responsible to package all TOSCA elements in the archive. The archive can be used by a TOSCA runtime for the deployment of the described cloud application.

The BPMN4TOSCA Management Plan Editor offers web-based creation of BPMN models with the TOSCA extension BPMN4TOSCA. That means, the editor supports the BPMN elements and structures required by TOSCA plans and not the full set of BPMN. The BPMN4TOSCA Management Plan Importer enables to load existing management plans to the Winery. Because not only BPMN but also BPEL is a common modeling language for the automated workflow execution, a BPMN4TOSCA to BPEL Transformer component is available to support different modeling standards. In case a running instance of the OpenTOSCA Container is available provisioning plans can be automatically generated by the BPEL Provisioning Plan Generator.

In addition to the described basis functionality of the TOSCA modeling tool Winery several advanced functionalities are provided:
