
Client-Server Imaging

This chapter describes ImageN's client-server imaging system.

This functionality is deprecated and provided for applications migrating from JAI.

12.1 Introduction

Client-server imaging provides the ability to distribute computation between a set of processing nodes. For example, it is possible to set up a large, powerful server that provides image processing services to several thin clients. With JAI, it is possible for a client to set up a complex imaging chain on a server, including references to source images on other network hosts, and to request rendered output from the server.

JAI uses Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) to implement client-server imaging. To communicate using Remote Method Invocation, both the client and server must be running Java. A stub object is instantiated on the client. The stub object forwards its method calls to a corresponding server object. Method call arguments and return values are transmitted between the client and server by means of the Java Development Environment's serialization capability.

The hostname and port depend on the local setup. The host must be running an RMI registry process and have a RemoteImageServer listening at the desired port.

This call will result in the creation of a server-side RMIImageImpl object and a client-side stub object. The client stub serializes its method arguments and transfers them to the server over a socket; the server serializes its return values and returns them in the same manner.

12.2 Server Name and Port Number

The RemoteImage constructor requires a serverName parameter that consists of a host name and port number, in the following format:


For example:

The port number is optional and need be supplied only if the host name is supplied. If the serverName parameter is null, the default is to search for the RMIImage service on the local host at the default rmiregistry port (1099.

API: org.eclipse.imagen.RemoteImage

  • RemoteImage(String serverName, RenderedImage source)
  • RemoteImage(String serverName, RenderedOp source)
  • RemoteImage(String serverName, RenderableOp source, RenderContext renderContext)

12.3 Setting the Timeout Period and Number of Retries

A network error or a delay caused by the server failing to respond to the request for an image is dealt with through retries. If, on the first attempt, the server fails to respond, the program will wait a specified amount of time and then make another request for the image. When the limit of retries is exceeded, a null Raster may be returned.

The amount of time to wait between retries defaults to 1 second (1000 milliseconds). The getTimeout method is used to get the amount of time between retries, in milliseconds. The setTimeout method is used to set the amount of time between retries.

The number of times the program will attempt to read the remote image may be read with the getNumRetries method. The setNumRetries method is used to set the maximum number of retries.

API: org.eclipse.imagen.RemoteImage

  • void setTimeout(int timeout)
  • int getTimeout()
  • void setNumRetries(int numRetries)

12.4 Remote Imaging Test Example

This section contains two examples of remote imaging programs.

12.4.1 Simple Remote Imaging Example

Listing 12-1 shows a complete code example of a RemoteImaging test. This example displays a 2 x 2 grid of ScrollingImagePanels, with each window displaying the sum of two byte images that were rescaled to the range [0,127] prior to addition. The panels display the following specific results:

  • upper left: local rendering
  • upper right: result of remote rendering of a RenderedOp graph
  • lower left: result of remote loading of a RenderedImage
  • lower right: result of remote rendering of a RenderableOp graph

The lower right image is a dithered version of the sum image passed through a color cube lookup table and may appear slightly different from the other three images, which should be identical.

Listing 12-1 Remote Imaging Example Program (Sheet 1 of 4)

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.image.renderable.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.imagen.*;
import org.eclipse.imagen.operator.*;
import org.eclipse.imagen.widget.*;
public class RemoteImagingTest extends WindowContainer {

/** Default remote server. */
private static final String DEFAULT_SERVER =

/** Tile dimensions. */
private static final int TILE_WIDTH = 256;
private static final int TILE_HEIGHT = 256;

public static void main(String args[]) {
String fileName1 = null;
String fileName2 = null;

// Check args.
    if(!(args.length >= 0 && args.length <= 3)) {
       System.out.println("\nUsage: java RemoteImagingTest "+
                      "[[[serverName] | [fileName1 fileName2]] | "+
                      "[serverName fileName1 fileName2]]"+"\n");

// Set the server name.
String serverName = null;
   if(args.length == 0 || args.length == 2) {
       serverName = DEFAULT_SERVER;
       System.out.println("\nUsing default server '"+
   } else {
       serverName = args[0];

// Set the file names.
   if(args.length == 2) {
       fileName1 = args[0];
       fileName2 = args[1];
   } else if(args.length == 3) {
       fileName1 = args[1];
       fileName2 = args[2];
   } else {
 fileName1 = "/import/jai/JAI_RP/test/images/Boat_At_Dock.tif";
 fileName2 = "/import/jai/JAI_RP/test/images/FarmHouse.tif";
       System.out.println("\nUsing default images '"+
                          fileName1 + "' and '" + fileName2 + "'\n");

RemoteImagingTest riTest =
       new RemoteImagingTest(serverName, fileName1, fileName2);

* Run a remote imaging test.
* @param serverName The name of the remote server to use.
* @param fileName1 The first addend image file to use.
* @param fileName2 The second addend image file to use.
RemoteImagingTest(String serverName, String fileName1, String
                  fileName2) {
// Create the operations to load the images from files.
RenderedOp src1 = JAI.create("fileload", fileName1);
RenderedOp src2 = JAI.create("fileload", fileName2);

// Render the sources without freezing the nodes.
PlanarImage ren1 = src1.createInstance();
PlanarImage ren2 = src2.createInstance();

// Create TiledImages with the file images as their sources
// thereby ensuring that the serialized images are truly tiled.
   SampleModel sampleModel1 =
TiledImage ti1 = new TiledImage(ren1.getMinX(), ren1.getMinY(),
                                ren1.getWidth(), ren1.getHeight(),
                                sampleModel1, ren1.getColorModel());
SampleModel sampleModel2 =
 TiledImage ti2 = new TiledImage(ren2.getMinX(), ren2.getMinY(),
                                 ren2.getWidth(), ren2.getHeight(),
                               sampleModel2, ren2.getColorModel());

// Create a hint to specify the tile dimensions.
ImageLayout layout = new ImageLayout();
     RenderingHints rh = new
         RenderingHints(JAI.KEY_IMAGE_LAYOUT, layout);

// Rescale the images to the range [0, 127].
ParameterBlock pb = (new ParameterBlock());
pb.add(new double[] {0.5}).add(new double[] {0.0});
RenderedOp addend1 = JAI.create("rescale", pb, rh);
pb = (new ParameterBlock());
pb.add(new double[] {0.5}).add(new double[] {0.0});
RenderedOp addend2 = JAI.create("rescale", pb, rh);

// Add the rescaled images.
pb = (new
        RenderedOp sum = JAI.create("add", pb, rh);

        // Dither the sum of the rescaled images.
        pb = (new ParameterBlock()).addSource(sum);
        RenderedOp dithered = JAI.create("ordereddither", pb, rh);

// Construct a RemoteImage from the RenderedOp chain.
RemoteImage remoteImage = new RemoteImage(serverName, sum);

// Set the display title and window layout.
setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2));

// Local rendering.
add(new ScrollingImagePanel(sum,

// RenderedOp remote rendering.
add(new ScrollingImagePanel(remoteImage,

// RenderedImage remote rendering
PlanarImage sumImage = sum.getRendering();
remoteImage = new RemoteImage(serverName, sumImage);
add(new ScrollingImagePanel(remoteImage,

// RenderableOp remote rendering.
pb = new ParameterBlock();
RenderableOp absImage = JAI.createRenderable("absolute", pb);
pb = new ParameterBlock();
RenderableOp lutImage = JAI.createRenderable("lookup", pb);
AffineTransform tf =
Rectangle aoi = new Rectangle(128, 128, 384, 256);
RenderContext rc = new RenderContext(tf, aoi, rh);
remoteImage = new RemoteImage(serverName, lutImage, rc);
add(new ScrollingImagePanel(remoteImage,

// Finally display everything

12.4.2 RemoteImaging Example Across Two Nodes

Listing 12-2 shows an example of a RemoteImaging chain spread across two remote nodes, and displays the results locally.

Listing 12-2 RemoteImaging Example Program Using Two Nodes (Sheet 1 of 2)

import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock;
import org.eclipse.imagen.*;
import org.eclipse.imagen.widget.*;

 * This test creates an imaging chain spread across two remote 
 * nodes and displays the result locally.

public class MultiNodeTest extends WindowContainer {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if(args.length != 3) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Usage: java MultiNodeTest "+
                                       "file node1 node2");

        new MultiNodeTest(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
public MultiNodeTest(String fileName, String node1, String
                     node2) {

// Create a chain on node 1.
System.out.println("Creating dst1 = log(invert(fileload("+
                           fileName+"))) on "+node1);
        RenderedOp src = JAI.create("fileload", fileName);
        RenderedOp op1 = JAI.create("invert", src);
        RenderedOp op2 = JAI.create("log", op1);
        RemoteImage rmt1 = new RemoteImage(node1, op2);

// Create a chain on node 2.
System.out.println("Creating dst2 = not(exp(dst1)) on "+node2);
        RenderedOp op3 = JAI.create("exp", rmt1);
        RenderedOp op4 = JAI.create("not", op3);
        RemoteImage rmt2 = new RemoteImage(node2, op4);

// Display the result of node 2.
System.out.println("Displaying results");
setTitle(getClass().getName()+" "+fileName);
add(new ScrollingImagePanel(rmt2, rmt2.getWidth(),

API: org.eclipse.imagen.RemoteImage

  • int getWidth()
  • int getHeight()
  • Raster getData()
  • Raster getData(Rectangle rect)
  • WritableRaster copyData(WritableRaster raster)
  • Raster getTile(int x, int y)

12.5 Running Remote Imaging

To run remote imaging in ImageN, you have to do the following:

These four steps are explained in more detail in the following sections.

12.5.1 Step 1: Create a Security Policy File

The default RMI security policy implementation is specified within one or more policy configuration files. These configuration files specify what permissions are allowed for code from various sources. There is a default system-wide policy file and a single user policy file. For more information on policy files and permissions, see:

The policy file is located in the base directory where Java Advanced Imaging is installed. If $JAI is the base directory where Java Advanced Imaging is installed, use any simple text editor to create a text file named $JAI/policy containing the following:

     grant {
     // Allow everything for now

Note that this policy file is for testing purposes only.

12.5.2 Step 2: Start the RMI Registry

The RMI registry is a simple server-side name server that allows remote clients to get a reference to a remote object. Typically, the registry is used only to locate the first remote object an application needs to talk to. Then that object in turn provides application-specific support for finding other objects.

Note: Before starting the rmiregistry, make sure that the shell or window in which you will run the registry either has no CLASSPATH set or has a CLASSPATH that does not include the path to any classes you want downloaded to your client, including the stubs for your remote object implementation classes.

To start the registry on the server, log in to the remote system where the image server will be running and execute the rmiregistry command.

For example, in the Solaris operating environment using a Bourne-compatible shell (e.g., /bin/sh):

     $ unset CLASSPATH
     $ rmiregistry &

Note that the CLASSPATH environment variable is deliberately not set.

For example, on Windows 95 or Windows NT:

     start rmiregistry

If the start command is not available, use javaw.

12.5.3 Step 3: Start the Remote Image Server

While still logged in to the remote server system, set the CLASSPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables as required for JAI (see the INSTALL file) and start the remote imaging server. For example:

     $ CLASSPATH=$JAI/lib/jai.jar:\
     $ export CLASSPATH
     $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
     $ java \
          file:$JAI/lib/jai.jar \
     -Djava.rmi.server.useCodebaseOnly=false \$JAI/policy \

For example, when the above steps are executed on a machine with IP address 123.456.78.90 the following is printed:

     Server: using host 123.456.78.90 port 1099
     Registering image server as
     Server: Bound RemoteImageServer into
       the registry.

12.5.4 Step 4: Run the Local Application

After completing steps 1 through 3, you are ready to run the local application. When running the local application, make sure that the serverName parameter of any RemoteImage constructors corresponds to the machine on which the remote image server is running. For example, if the machine with IP address 123.456.78.90 above is named myserver, the serverName parameter of any RemoteImage() constructors should be "myserver".

12.6 Internet Imaging Protocol (IIP)

There are two JAI operations that support Internet Imaging Protocol (IIP) operations. Two separate operations provide client-side support of the Internet Imaging Protocol. These operations, IIP and IIPResolution, request an image from an IIP server then create either a RenderedImage or a RenderableImage.

12.6.1 IIP Operation

The IIP operation provides client-side support of the Internet Imaging Protocol (IIP) in both the rendered and renderable modes. It creates a RenderedImage or a RenderableImage based on the data received from the IIP server, and optionally applies a sequence of operations to the created image.

The operations that may be applied and the order in which they are applied are defined in section of the Internet Imaging Protocol Specification version 1.0.5. Some or all of the requested operations may be executed on the IIP server if it is determined that the server supports such operations. Any of the requested operations not supported by the server will be executed on the host on which the operation chain is rendered.

The processing sequence for the supplied operations is as follows:

  • Filtering (blur or sharpen)

  • Tone and color correction ("color twist")

  • Contrast adjustment

  • Selection of source rectangle of interest

  • Spatial orientation (rendering-independent affine transformation)

  • Selection of destination rectangle of interest

  • Rendering transformation (renderable mode only)

  • Transposition (rotation and/or mirroring).

As indicated, the rendering transformation is performed only in renderable mode processing. This transformation is derived from the AffineTransform supplied in the RenderContext when rendering actually occurs. Rendered mode processing creates a RenderedImage which is the default rendering of the RenderableImage created in renderable mode processing.

The IIP operation takes 14 parameters.

Parameter Type Description
URL String The URL of the IIP image
subImages int[] The sub-images to be used by the server for images at each resolution level
filter Float The filtering value
colorTwist float[] The color twist matrix
contrast Float The contrast value
sourceROI Rectangle2D.Float The source rectangle of interest in rendering-independent coordinates
transform AffineTransform The rendering-independent spatial orientation transform
aspectRatio Float The aspect ratio of the destination image
destROI Rectangle2D.Float The destination rectangle of interest in rendering-independent coordinates
rotation Integer Z The counterclockwise rotation angle to be applied to the destination
mirrorAxis String The mirror axis
ICCProfile color.ICC_Profile The ICC profile used to represent the color space of the source image
JPEGQuality Integer The JPEG quality factor
JPEGTable Integer The JPEG compression group index number

The URL parameter specifies the URL of the IIP image as a java.lang.String. It must represent a valid URL and include any required FIF or SDS commands. It cannot be null.

The subImages parameter optionally indicates the sub-images to be used by the server to get the images at each resolution level. The values in this int array cannot be negative. If this parameter is not specified, or if the array is too short (length is 0), or if a negative value is specified, this operation will use the zeroth sub-image of the resolution level actually processed.

The filter parameter specifies a blur or sharpen operation; a positive value indicates sharpen and a negative value blur. A unit step should produce a perceptible change in the image. The default value is 0 which signifies that no filtering will occur.

The colorTwist parameter represents a 4 x 4 matrix stored in row-major order and should have an array length of at least 16. If an array of length greater than 16 is specified, all elements from index 16 and beyond are ignored. Elements 12, 13, and 14 must be 0. This matrix will be applied to the (possibly padded) data in an intermediate normalized PhotoYCC color space with a premultiplied alpha channel. This operation will force an alpha channel to be added to the image if the last column of the last row of the color twist matrix is not 1.0F. Also, if the image originally has a grayscale color space it will be cast up to RGB if casting the data back to grayscale after applying the color twist matrix would result in any loss of data. The default value is null.

The contrast parameter specifies a contrast enhancement operation with increasing contrast for larger value. It must be greater than or equal to 1.0F. A value of 1.0F indicates no contrast adjustment. The default value is 1.0F.

The sourceROI parameter specifies the rectangle of interest in the source image in rendering-independent coordinates. The intersection of this rectangle with the rendering-independent bounds of the source image must equal itself. The rendering-independent bounds of the source image are defined to be (0.0F, 0.0F, r, 1.0F) where r is the aspect ratio (width/height) of the source image. Note that the source image will not in fact be cropped to these limits but values outside of this rectangle will be suppressed.

The transform parameter represents an affine backward mapping to be applied in rendering-independent coordinates. Note that the direction of transformation is opposite to that of the AffineTransform supplied in the RenderContext which is a forward mapping. The default value of this transform is the identity mapping. The supplied AffineTransform must be invertible.

The aspectRatio parameter specifies the rendering-independent width of the destination image and must be positive. The rendering-independent bounds of the destination image are (0.0F, 0.0F, aspectRatio, 1.0F). If this parameter is not provided, the destination aspect ratio defaults to that of the source.

The destROI parameter specifies the rectangle of interest in the destination image in rendering-independent coordinates. This rectangle must have a non-empty intersection with the rendering-independent bounds of the destination image but is not constrained to the destination image bounds.

The rotation parameter specifies a counter-clockwise rotation angle of the destination image. The rotation angle is limited to 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees. By default, the destination image is not rotated.

The mirrorAxis parameter may be null, in which case no flipping is applied, or a String of x, X, y, or Y.

The ICCProfile parameter may only be used with client-side processing or with server-side processing if the connection protocol supports the ability to transfer a profile.

The JPEGQuality and JPEGTable parameters are only used with server-side processing. If provided, JPEGQuality must be in the range [0,100] and JPEGTable in [1,255].

There is no source image associated with this operation.

Listing 12-3 shows a code sample for an IIP operation.

Listing 12-3 IIP Operation Example

public static final String SERVER = "http://istserver:8087/";
public static final String DEFAULT_IMAGE = "cat.fpx";
public static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 512;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String imagePath = DEFAULT_IMAGE;

   for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
       if(args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-image")) {
           imagePath = args[++i];
           if(!(imagePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".fpx"))) {
                imagePath += ".fpx";

   String url = SERVER + "FIF=" + imagePath;

   new IIPTest(url);

// Define the parameter block.
ParameterBlock pb = (new ParameterBlock()).add(url);

// Default sub-image array
pb.set(-10.0F, 2); // filter
float[] colorTwist = new float[]
    {1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F,
     0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F,
     0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F,
     0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F};
pb.set(colorTwist, 3); //color-twist
pb.set(2.0F, 4); // contrast
pb.set(new Rectangle2D.Float(0.10F, 0.10F,
                             0.80F*aspectRatioSource, 0.80F),
       5); // srcROI

AffineTransform afn = AffineTransform.getShearInstance(0.2,

pb.set(afn, 6); // transform
Rectangle2D destBounds = null;

try {
     Rectangle2D sourceRect =
           new Rectangle2D.Float(0.0F, 0.0F, aspectRatioSource,

     Shape shape =
     destBounds = shape.getBounds2D();
} catch(Exception e) {

float aspectRatio = (float)destBounds.getHeight();
pb.set(aspectRatio, 7); // destination aspect ratio
pb.set(new Rectangle2D.Float(0.0F, 0.0F,
                         0.75F*aspectRatio, 0.75F), 8); // dstROI
pb.set(90, 9); // rotation angle
pb.set("x", 10); // mirror axis

// Default ICC profile
// Default JPEG quality
// Default JPEG table index

int height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
AffineTransform at =

RenderContext rc = new RenderContext(at);

// Create a RenderableImage.
RenderableImage renderable = JAI.createRenderable("iip", pb);

12.6.2 IIPResolution Operation

The IIPResolution operation provides client-side support of the Internet Imaging Protocol (IIP) in the rendered mode. It is resolution-specific. It requests from the IIP server an image at a particular resolution level, and creates a RenderedImage based on the data received from the server. Once the RenderedImage is created, the resolution level cannot be changed.

The layout of the created RenderedImage is set as follows:

  • minX, minY, tileGridXOffset, and tileGridYOffset are set to 0

  • width and height are determined based on the specified resolution level

  • tileWidth and tileHeight are set to 64

  • sampleModel is of the type PixelInterleavedSampleModel with byte data type and the appropriate number of bands

  • colorModel is of the type java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel, with the ColorSpace set to sRGB, PhotoYCC, or Grayscale, depending on the color space of the remote image; if an alpha channel is present, it will be premultiplied

The IIPResolution operation takes three parameters.

Parameter Type Description
URL String The URL of the IIP image
resolution Integer The resolution level to request
subImage Integer The sub-image to be used by the server

The URL parameter specifies the URL of the IIP image as a java.lang.String. It must represent a valid URL, and include any required FIF or SDS commands. It cannot be null.

The resolution parameter specifies the resolution level of the requested IIP image from the server. The lowest resolution level is 0, with larger integers representing higher resolution levels. If the requested resolution level does not exist, the nearest resolution level is used. If this parameter is not specified, it is set to the default value IIPResolutionDescriptor.MAX_RESOLUTION, which indicates the highest resolution level.

The subImage parameter indicates the sub-image to be used by the server to get the image at the specified resolution level. This parameter cannot be negative. If this parameter is not specified, it is set to the default value 0.

There is no source image associated with this operation.

If available from the IIP server certain properties may be set on the RenderedImage. The names of properties and the class types of their associated values are listed in the following table. See the IIP specification for information on each of these properties.

Property Type
affine-transform java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
app-name java.lang.String
aspect-ratio java.lang.Float
author java.lang.String
colorspace int[]
color-twist float[16]
comment java.lang.String
contrast-adjust java.lang.Float
copyright java.lang.String
create-dtm java.lang.String
edit-time java.lang.String
filtering-value java.lang.Float
iip java.lang.String
iip-server java.lang.String
keywords java.lang.String
last-author java.lang.String
last-printed java.lang.String
last-save-dtm java.lang.String
max-size int[2]
resolution-number java.lang.Integer
rev-number java.lang.String
roi-iip java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Float
subject java.lang.String
title java.lang.String

Listing 12-4 shows a code sample for an IIPResolution operation.

Listing 12-4 IIPResolution Operation Example

public static final String SERVER = "http://istserver:8087/";
public static final String DEFAULT_IMAGE = "cat.fpx";
public static final int DEFAULT_RESOLUTION = 3;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String imagePath = DEFAULT_IMAGE;
    int resolution = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION;

    for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        if(args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-image")) {
            imagePath = args[++i];
            if(!(imagePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".fpx"))) {
                imagePath += ".fpx";
        } else if(args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-res")) {
            resolution = Integer.valueOf(args[++i]).intValue();

    String url = SERVER + "FIF=" + imagePath;

    new IIPResolutionTest(url, resolution);

ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
PlanarImage pi = JAI.create("iipresolution", pb);