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GraalVM™ Filter Component

The Filter Component provides scripting functionalities in Kura Wires using the GraalVM™ JavaScript engine:

  • The script execution is triggered when a wire envelope is received by the filter component.
  • It is possible to access the received envelope and inspect the wire records contained in it from the script.
  • The script can optionally emit a wire envelope containing one or more wire records for each wire envelope received.
  • The script context is persisted across multiple executions, allowing to perform stateful computations like running a counter, performing time averages etc.
  • A slf4j Logger is available to the script for debugging purposes.
  • The script context is restricted to allow only Wires-related processing. Any attempt to load additional Java classes will fail.


The following global variables are available to the script:

  • input: an object that represents the received wire envelope.
  • output: an object that allows to emit wire records.
  • logger: a slf4j logger.

The following utility functions are available:

  • newWireRecord(Map<String, TypedValue<?>) -> WireRecord
  • newByteArray(void) -> byte[]
  • newBooleanValue(boolean) -> TypedValue
  • newByteArrayValue(byte[]) -> TypedValue
  • newDoubleValue(number) -> TypedValue
  • newIntegerValue(number) -> TypedValue
  • newLongValue(number) -> TypedValue
  • newStringValue(object) -> TypedValue

The following global constants expose the org.eclipse.kura.type.DataType enum variants:

  • LONG

Received envelope

The received envelope is represented by the input global variable and is mapped in Javascript as a WireEnvelope object.

GraalVM Javascript Engine allows a 1:1 mapping of Java Objects to JavaScript ones. Hence, it is possible to access the WireRecords of the envelope and the emitter pid using the methods specified in the WireEnvelope Kura API:'Emitter pid is {}', input.getEmitterPid())
var records = input.getRecords()

The records array can be iterated to extract the WireRecord properties (reference the WireRecord Kura API):

for(let i=0; i<records.length; i++) {
 // WireRecord.getProperties() returns a map of String - TypedValue
 for (const [keyString, typedValue] of records[i].getProperties()) {'The {}-th record contains:'\, String(i))'{}={}\n', keyString, typedValue.getValue())

As in the example above, wireRecord.getProperties returns a map of String, TypedValue. Refer to the TypedValue Kura API for the accessible public methods list.

Creating and emitting wire records

New mutable WireRecord instances can be created using the newWireRecord(Map<String, TypedValue<?>) function. The properties of a mutable WireRecord can be modified by setting Javascript object properties. The properties of a WireRecord object must be instances of the TypedValue class created using the new<type>Value() family of functions.

The output global variable is an object that can be used for emitting WireRecords. This object contains a list of WireRecords that will be emitted when the script execution finishes if no exceptions are thrown. The following code is an example of how to emit a list containing a single WireRecord:

var output = new Array()
var outputMap = new Object()

var byteArray = newByteArray(4)
byteArray[0] = 1
byteArray[1] = 2
byteArray[2] = 0xaa
byteArray[3] = 0xbb

outputMap['example.integer'] = newIntegerValue(10)
outputMap['example.long'] = newLongValue(100)
outputMap['example.float'] = newFloatValue(1.014)
outputMap['example.double'] = newDoubleValue(10.12)
outputMap['example.boolean'] = newBooleanValue(true)
outputMap['example.string'] = newStringValue('Hello World!')
outputMap['example.byte.array'] = newByteArrayValue(byteArray)

output[0] = newWireRecord(outputMap)