public final class


extends Object
   ↳ org.eclipse.sisu.plexus.Roles

Class Overview

Utility methods for dealing with Plexus roles.


Public Methods
static String camelizeName(String name)
Removes any dashes from the name and converts it to camelCase.
static String canonicalRoleHint(Component component)
Returns the canonical role-hint for the given Plexus component.
static String canonicalRoleHint(String role, String hint)
Returns the canonical form of the given Plexus role-hint.
static Key<?> componentKey(Component component)
Returns the component binding Key for the given Plexus component.
static <T> Key<T> componentKey(Class<T> role, String hint)
Returns the component binding Key for the given Plexus role-hint.
static <T> Key<T> componentKey(TypeLiteral<T> role, String hint)
Returns the component binding Key for the given Plexus role-hint.
static TypeLiteral<?> roleType(Requirement requirement, TypeLiteral<?> asType)
Deduces the role type based on the given @Requirement and expected type.
static <T> T throwMissingComponentException(TypeLiteral<T> role, String hint)
Throws a ProvisionException detailing the missing Plexus component.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static String camelizeName (String name)

Removes any dashes from the name and converts it to camelCase.

name The element name
  • CamelCased name with no dashes

public static String canonicalRoleHint (Component component)

Returns the canonical role-hint for the given Plexus component.

component The Plexus component
  • Canonical role-hint denoting the given component

public static String canonicalRoleHint (String role, String hint)

Returns the canonical form of the given Plexus role-hint.

role The Plexus role
hint The Plexus hint
  • Canonical role-hint denoting the same component as the given role-hint

public static Key<?> componentKey (Component component)

Returns the component binding Key for the given Plexus component.

component The Plexus component
  • Component binding key denoting the given component

public static Key<T> componentKey (Class<T> role, String hint)

Returns the component binding Key for the given Plexus role-hint.

role The Plexus role
hint The Plexus hint
  • Component binding key denoting the given role-hint

public static Key<T> componentKey (TypeLiteral<T> role, String hint)

Returns the component binding Key for the given Plexus role-hint.

role The Plexus role
hint The Plexus hint
  • Component binding key denoting the given role-hint

public static TypeLiteral<?> roleType (Requirement requirement, TypeLiteral<?> asType)

Deduces the role type based on the given @Requirement and expected type.

requirement The Plexus requirement
asType The expected type
  • "Best-fit" role type

public static T throwMissingComponentException (TypeLiteral<T> role, String hint)

Throws a ProvisionException detailing the missing Plexus component.

role The Plexus role
hint The Plexus hint