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REST Service

Kura provides a built-in REST Service based on the osgi-jax-rs-connector project.

By default, REST service providers register their services using the context path /services. The REST service provides the BASIC Authentication support and HTTPS client certificate authentication support.

REST API access is available on all HTTP ports defined in the HTTP/HTTPS Configuration section, unless access is restricted to dedicated ports using the corresponding configuration parameter (see below).

Certificate authentication support is only available on the HTTPS With Certificate Authentication Ports configured in HTTP/HTTPS Configuration section.

Kura Identity names and passwords can be used for BASIC Authentication. Certificate authentication follows the same rules as Gateway Administration Console Authentication.


If the forced password change feature for a given identity is enabled, REST API password authentication will be blocked for that identity until the password is updated by the user or the feature is manually disabled. Certificate authentication will continue to be allowed even if the forced password change feature is enabled.

JAX-RS roles are mapped to Kura permissions, the name of a permission associated with a JAX-RS role is the rest. prefix followed by the role name. For example the assets role is mapped to the rest.assets permission. REST related permissions can be assigned to an identity using the Gateway Administration Console in the Identities section.

Rest Service configuration

The RestService configuration contains an Allowed Ports parameter that can be used to restrict REST API access to specific ports. If the port list is left empty, access will be enabled on all available ports.

Furthermore, the RestService configuration provides options to disable the built-in authentication methods.

REST Service

Custom authentication methods

Starting from Kura 5.2.0 it is also possible to develop custom REST authentication method providers by registering an implementation of the interface as an OSGi service. The bundle in Kura repository provides an example on how to implement a custom authentication method.

Assets REST APIs

Kura exposes REST APIs for the Asset instances instantiated in the framework. Assets REST APIs are available in the context path /services/assets. Following, the supported REST endpoints.

Method Path Allowed roles Encoding Request parameters Description
GET / assets JSON None Returns the list of available assets
GET /{pid} assets JSON None Returns the list of available channels for the selected asset (specified by the corresponding PID)
GET /{pid}/_read assets JSON None Returns the read for all the READ channels in the selected Asset
POST /{pid}/_read assets JSON The list of channels where the READ operation should be performed. Returns the result of the read operation for the specified channels
POST /{pid}/_write assets JSON The list of channels and associated values that will be used for the WRITE operation. Performs the write operation for the specified channels returning the result of the operation.