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Eddystone™ Driver Application with RuuviTag+

As presented in Eddystone Driver, Kura provides a specific driver that can be used to listen for Eddystone™ beacons. The driver is available only for gateways that support the new Kura BLE APIs.

This tutorial will explain how to configure an Eddystone™ driver and put it into a Wire graph that retrieves data from a RuuviTag+. For further information about RuuviTag see here.

Configure Kura Wires Eddystone application

  1. Install the Eddystone™ driver from the Eclipse Kura Marketplace.

  2. On the Kura Web Interface, instantiate an Eddystone™ Driver:

    • Under System, select Drivers and Assets and click on the New Driver button.
    • Select org.eclipse.kura.driver.eddystone as Driver Factory, type a name in to Driver Name and click Apply: a new driver will be instantiated and shown up under the Drivers and Assets tab.
    • Configure the new driver setting the bluetooth interface name (e.g. hci0).
  3. From the Drivers and Assets tab, add a new asset bound to the Eddystone™ driver:

    • Click on the New Asset button and fill the form with the Asset Name and selecting the driver created in step 2. as Driver Name. Click Apply and a new asset will be listed under the Eddystone™ driver.

    Eddystone Driver Configuration

    • Click on the new asset and configure it, adding the channels. Each channel represents a type of frame the Driver is interested to. Please note that in the above picture two channels are created: one for the UID type and the second for the URL. In this example only the URL will be used.
    • Check the listen checkbox for both channels.
    • Click "Apply".
  4. Click on Wires under System.

  5. Add a new Asset with the previously added Eddystone asset.

  6. Add a new Javascript Filter component. The filter will be configured to parse the URL frames coming from the RuuviTag+ and extract the environmental data from the on-board sensors. In the script window write the following code:

    function toHexString(str) {
        var hex = '';
        for ( i = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) {
            var hexTemp = str.charCodeAt(i).toString(16)
            hex += (hexTemp.length==2?hexTemp:'0'+hexTemp);
    return hex;
    function decodeValues(rawSensors) {
        var rawSensorsDecoded = Base64.decode(rawSensors)
        var sensorsValues = new Array();
        // Data Format Definition (4)
        var format = parseInt(rawSensorsDecoded[0].charCodeAt(0));
        if (format == 4) {
            // Humidity
            sensorsValues.push(rawSensorsDecoded[1].charCodeAt(0) * 0.5)
            // Temperature
            sensorsValues.push(rawSensorsDecoded[2].charCodeAt(0) & 0x7f)
            // Pressure
            sensorsValues.push(parseInt(rawSensorsDecoded[4].charCodeAt(0) << 8 )+ parseInt(rawSensorsDecoded[5].charCodeAt(0) & 0xff) + 50000)
            // Random id of tag
        return sensorsValues;
    var record = input.records[0]
    if (record.URLEddystone != null) {
        var values = record.URLEddystone.getValue().split(";")
        if (values.length == 5 && values[1].split("#").length == 2) {
            var outRecord = newWireRecord()
            var sensorsValues = decodeValues(values[1].split("#")[1])
            if (sensorsValues.length == 5) {
                outRecord.format = newIntegerValue(sensorsValues[0])
                outRecord.humidity = newDoubleValue(sensorsValues[1])
                outRecord.temperature = newDoubleValue(sensorsValues[2])
                outRecord.pressure = newIntegerValue(sensorsValues[3])
       = newIntegerValue(sensorsValues[4])
            outRecord.txPower = newIntegerValue(parseInt(values[2]))
            outRecord.rssi = newIntegerValue(parseInt(values[3]))
            outRecord.distance = newDoubleValue(parseFloat(values[4]))
  7. Add Logger component and set the log.verbosity to VERBOSE.

  8. Connect the Asset to the Filter and this to the Logger.

  9. Click on Apply and check on the logs that the environmental data are correctly logged.

    Eddystone Example Wire Graph

    INFO  o.e.k.w.s.f.p.ScriptFilter - 04541a00c35078
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger - Received WireEnvelope from org.eclipse.kura.wire.ScriptFilter-1537884418687-2
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger - Record List content:
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -   Record content:
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -     txPower : -7
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -     rssi : -55
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -     distance : 251.18864315095797
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -     format : 4
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -     temperature : 26.0
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -     humidity : 42.0
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -     pressure : 100000
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -     id : 120
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -
    INFO  o.e.k.w.s.f.p.ScriptFilter - 04401a00c35078
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger - Received WireEnvelope from org.eclipse.kura.wire.ScriptFilter-1537884418687-2
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger - Record List content:
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -   Record content:
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -     txPower : -7
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -     rssi : -39
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -     distance : 39.810717055349734
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -     format : 4
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -     temperature : 26.0
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -     humidity : 32.0
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -     pressure : 100000
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -     id : 120
    INFO  o.e.k.i.w.l.Logger -