Namespaces | |
adore_if_carla | |
apps | |
abstraction of functional modules to define functionality decoupled from the middleware | |
env | |
fun | |
if_r2s | |
if_ROS | |
if_xodr | |
mad | |
params | |
this namespace contains functionality related to providing parameters to configure runtime behaviour | |
PLOT | |
sim | |
this namespace contains functionality related to running simulations | |
sumo_if_ros | |
view | |
This node translates control messages from ADORe-Automation to ackermann_msgs/AckermannDrive /carla/vehicle_namespace_in_carla/ackermann_cmd
This nodes translates messages of topic /clock to topic /SIM/UTC.
This node translates control messages from ADORe-Automation to Carla topic /carla/vehicle_namespace_in_carla/vehicle_control_cmd
This node translates messages of topic /carla/vehicle_namespace_in_carla/objects to topic /vehicle_namespace_in_adore/traffic.
This node translates vehicle state messages from Carla to ADORe-Automation