ADORe is a modular open source software library and toolkit for decision making, planning, control and simulation of automated vehicles
adore::env Namespace Reference




class  AFactory
 abstract factory for adore::env communication More...
class  EnvFactoryInstance
 Utility class to simplify factory access. More...
class  RoadAnnotation
struct  NavigationCost
 Struct to organize navigation cost. More...
struct  VehicleMotionState9d
 This struct holds the motion state of the vehicle in 9d. More...
class  VehicleState10d
 This struct holds the state of the vehicle in 10d. More...
class  VehicleStateObservation
 Class to observe the vehicle state. More...
struct  IndicatorHint
class  LocalBoxSet
struct  BorderTypeChangeProfile
class  MapBorderManagement
 Automatically manage local map and necessary updates based on vehicle position and last state of object. More...
class  IndicatorHintManagement
 automatically manage indicator hints based on current vehicle position More...
class  MapParkingSpotManagement
 automatically manage parking spot based on current vehicle position and last state of object More...
class  SpeedLimitManagement
 automatically manage speed limit information based on current vehicle position More...
class  MapStopLineManagement
 manage new and outdated stop lines based on newly visible and no longer visible borders and the last state of the object More...
class  MapTCDManagement
 manage visible traffic control devices based on vehicle position and last state of the object More...
class  NavigationManagement
struct  PriorityRoute
 PriorityRoute implicitly references a route between two coordinates. The coordinates should be chosen such that the route is unique. More...
struct  PrecedenceRule
 The PrecedenceRule defines a precedence relationship between two routes. Vehicles on the low_ priority route have to yield, while vehicles on the high_ priority route may proceed. More...
class  PrecedenceSet
 PrecedenceSet contains PrecedenceRules, indexed by the area they affect. More...
class  PrecedenceFilter
 PrecedenceFilter filters precedence rules in the path of the vehicle, as determined by ALane. More...
struct  SpeedLimit
struct  VectorIdentifier
class  NavigationGoalObserver
struct  Proposition
 A logical proposition, with a possible timeout for the information. More...
class  PropositionSet0
 A data structure managing logical propositions of order 0. More...
class  ConnectionsOnLane
struct  ConnectionStateEvent
class  ControlledConnection
class  ControlledConnectionSet
class  ControlledConnectionSet4Ego
 Specialization of ControlledConnectionSet: Filters connections in range of ego. More...
class  TCDSet
class  TCDTrafficLightSet
class  TrafficControlDevice
class  TrafficLightStatus
class  TrafficLight
class  SimTrafficLight
class  ThreeLaneViewDecoupled
struct  CooperativeUserPrediction
class  CooperativeUsersProcess
class  DecoupledConflictPointView
class  DecoupledTrafficPredictionView
class  EmptyGap
 defines a gap for testing purposes, which never has lead or chase vehicles. More...
struct  GapData
class  AGapRating
class  GapRating_NearEgo
class  LaneChangeGaps
struct  OccupancyCylinderPrediction
class  OCPredictionStrategy
class  OCStraightLinePrediction
class  OCRoadBasedPrediction
class  RampPrediction


typedef int TIndicatorHintID
 indicator lights hints valid from startx/y to stopx/y - to be matched with corresponding borders More...
typedef std::vector< IndicatorHintTIndicatorHintList
typedef int TSpeedLimitID
 speed limit information valid from startx/y to stopx/y - should match with respective lane More...
typedef std::vector< SpeedLimitTSpeedLimitBundle
typedef std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > AreaOfEffect
typedef std::tuple< TrafficControlDevice *, int, int > TTCDTrafficLightTuple
typedef std::unordered_map< adore::env::BorderBased::Coordinate, adore::env::SimTrafficLight, adore::env::BorderBased::CoordinateHasherSimTrafficLightMap
typedef std::unordered_map< adore::env::BorderBased::Coordinate, adore::env::TrafficLight, adore::env::BorderBased::CoordinateHasherTrafficLightMap
typedef std::vector< CooperativeUserPredictionCooperativeUsersList
typedef std::vector< GapDataGapQueue
typedef std::vector< OccupancyCylinderPredictionOccupancyCylinderPredictionSet


enum  IndicatorSide { none , left , right , both }
enum class  TrafficLightColor {
  GREEN = 1 , YELLOW = 2 , RED = 3 , RED_YELLOW = 4 ,

Typedef Documentation

◆ AreaOfEffect

typedef std::vector<std::pair<double,double> > adore::env::AreaOfEffect

◆ CooperativeUsersList

◆ GapQueue

typedef std::vector<GapData> adore::env::GapQueue

◆ OccupancyCylinderPredictionSet

Data object for a set of behavior predictions

◆ SimTrafficLightMap

◆ TIndicatorHintID

indicator lights hints valid from startx/y to stopx/y - to be matched with corresponding borders

◆ TIndicatorHintList

◆ TrafficLightMap

◆ TSpeedLimitBundle

◆ TSpeedLimitID

speed limit information valid from startx/y to stopx/y - should match with respective lane

◆ TTCDTrafficLightTuple

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ IndicatorSide


◆ TrafficLightColor

Definition for the traffic light phases based on the ISO/TS 19091:2017 F.4.4.4 DE_BallLight permissive-Movement-Allowed (1), – Driver Action: – Proceed with caution, – must yield to all conflicting traffc – Conflicting traffc may be present permissive-clearance (2), – Driver Action: – Prepare to stop. – Proceed if unable to stop, – Clear Intersection. – Conflicting traffc may be present stop-And-Remain (3), – Driver Action: – Stop vehicle at stop line. – Do not proceed. caution-Conflicting-Traffc (4), – Driver Action: – Proceed with caution stop-Then-Proceed (5), – Driver Action: – Stop vehicle at stop line. – Do not proceed unless it is safe.
